The Charleston Area Ladies' Tennis Association is a ladies social doubles league that plays throughout Charleston on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am.  There are various divisions roughly based on skill level.

Initially you should determine your preferred tennis center.  Please note that all CALTA members must be registered and paid at the tennis center their CALTA team plays out of - thus, the first step is determining which tennis center you are already a member of or wish to join.

Next, talk with the pros at that facility to determine which division might be a good fit and or which division is in need of players (note CALTA divisions are loosely based on USTA ratings but a specific rating is not required to play in any division).

After you've determined your preferred division, then contact the captain(s) to see if there is room on their roster.  Captain phone numbers can be found on the CALTA website under "League Divisions" then "Captains & Rosters".

Once a CALTA captain has agreed to add you to the team, she will send you the invite link via MatchTime.  This will provide the payment link to pay the $40 season dues (not prorated).  Once you've paid the dues, your name will be added to that team's roster.  The CALTA schedule is predominantly based around the public school year; however we do not start until after Labor Day and finish mid-May.

Questions? Email