All captains are expected to be familiar with the CALTA Rules and must comply with the rules for:

It is the responsibility of the captain to ensure that each of her players:

  1. is listed in the roster on MatchTime as paid before playing her
  2. satisfies her tennis center's eligibility rules for team play and retains legitimate status at her tennis center throughout the CALTA season

CALTA's Rules state that when a specific on-court situation is not covered by CALTA Rules then USTA Rules/Code will apply. As a social league CALTA has some rules and expectations that are different from USTA -- and captains are asked to make sure that their players are familiar with them. Click here for an explanation of the differences.

Captains are requested to encourage their team members to visit the CALTA website throughout the season.

It is each team captain's responsibility to ensure that the four courts required for her team have been booked well in advance and are available for CALTA play as scheduled. This is also very important for makeup matches.

New members can be added at any time during the season. Captains will add the new player's name and email address to the team and invite that person to sign up on The new player will have access to the team going forward in MatchTime.

When determining lineups captains should use MatchTime to create lineup so she can see who is available and is PAID. MatchTime will not allow a non-paid player to be used in a lineup nor entered in scores – therefore to eliminate any issues – use MatchTime to create and print lineup or view roster to ensure you only play paid players.

In the event of a captain's absence the following applies to the co-captain or to the team member designated as the captain's representative for the match. If a captain or co-captain is not available for a specific match it is their responsibility to ensure that the contact information for the team member designated as their representative for the match is communicated well ahead of time. Wherever "captain" appears in the following it should be read to include "co-captain" and "team member designated as representative for the match" in the event the captain is not available.

Weekly Responsibilities

On a weekly basis once match play commences the captain's ongoing responsibilities are as follows:

Each captain should ensure that all her team members are familiar with the CALTA Rules and the CODE. Each captain is requested to communicate with the Board immediately if she becomes aware of a conduct problem with a team or an individual.

Note re: "emergency" deadline:

In general getting lost or running into normal heavy traffic is not considered an "emergency". It is expected that ladies traveling some distance will allow time for getting lost or a bridge opening or heavy traffic -- and still be on the court by 9:30AM.

If someone does run into an unexpected verifiable public situation (major accident road closed traffic re-routed) and she communicates with her captain (or team member designated as representative) and the captain is able to communicate the situation to the other captain by 9:30AM and the late player is able to stay in communication as she drives and be on the court by 10:00AM -- in that case the 10:00AM extension should apply. 9:45AM remains the default time for any other circumstances.

When the emergency extension is applicable the home team can either hold the visiting team to the 10AM deadline or choose to play whenever they arrive. In either case when the visiting team informs the home team about the situation the home team captain must communicate clearly to the visiting team what the case will be.