Each captain should be familiar with these Rules with the CALTA Charter and with the Captain Responsibilities document. This Rules document specifies procedures for weekly match play communication between captains and organizational and scheduling issues that may change annually. For all general regulations governing membership and team requirements, division structure, and match schedule see the CALTA Charter. Each captain should request of all the players on her team that they review the regulations governing membership and the rules on match play and conduct. The procedures governing changes to the Rules are outlined in Section XX of the Charter.


In the 2024-2025 season CALTA has six divisions with Division One the strongest level of play. There will be three coordinators: one for Divisions 1-2, one for Divisions 3-4, and one for Divisions 5-6. Division Coordinator functions are described in Section VIII of the CALTA Charter and in the Coordinator Responsibilities document.


As stated in the CALTA Charter:

  • Each team must have a minimum of eight players on its roster. There is no maximum.
  • Each team must designate one team member as captain. Only one member may be listed as captain. [If the player holding the position of team captain changes during the season for recognition at season-end the incumbent at the end of the season will be noted as captain.]
  • The captain may appoint another member as co-captain but she is not required to do so. There may be a maximum of two co-captains listed on the website.
  • A player can be on only one team roster in CALTA and can transfer between teams only one time after the season has started.
  • Each CALTA member must be 18+ years of age at the start of the season.
  • Since each tennis center has its own eligibility rules for participation in team play CALTA does not monitor the status of players at a tennis center. It is the responsibility of the captain to ensure that each of her players satisfies her tennis center's eligibility rules for team play and retains legitimate status throughout the CALTA season.
  • Addition of new players: A new member can be added to a team (only by the team captain) at any time during the season.
  • Transfer of players: A member already listed on a CALTA team can transfer permanently (i.e. for the rest of the season) to any other CALTA team at any time during the season.
  • The division coordinator must be notified of an addition or transfer prior to any match play for that member. If a player participates in a match and is not listed on the team roster at the start of the match any points earned by her team for her play will be reversed.
  • It is the responsibility of the captain to ensure that all her players are listed as PAID in the MatchTime roster BEFORE playing them.
  • As a condition of membership on a team in CALTA and in consideration of being accepted as a member of a CALTA team each individual personally assumes any risk arising from her participation in a CALTA match or event -- and holds harmless CALTA its officers, directors, representatives and members with respect to any injury, disability, death or loss or damage to person or property arising from or connected with participation in a CALTA match or event including travel to or from any CALTA match or event during the time of the individual's membership in CALTA.
  • If a team is a new team registering for CALTA, a New Team Form must be submitted by May 15th for the following season that begins in September. Home facility must be able to accommodate this team ensuring four courts on Tuesday morning from 9AM through match finish time.


The annual dues for 2024-2025 are $40. Each member will register via MatchTime. Dues are nonrefundable and are not pro-rated; if a member joins late in the season she must pay the full $40 annual dues. Dues are not transferable from one player to another. If players are added to the roster after the season has started they must be listed as paid on the MatchTime drop-down list prior to match play.


Throughout the Rules "host team" should be read to mean captain or co-captain or other team member designated by them. All players fulfilling this function during the season must comply with the Captain Responsibilities document.

  • The host team must make contact with the visiting team captain or designated contact person no later than the day prior to the scheduled match. If done by e-mail it should be initiated several days in advance and confirmation received. If no confirmation is received the host team should follow up by telephone.
  • On the day of the match the host team must make contact by telephone with its opponent by 8:00AM if the weather is questionable. The host team will make the decision whether or not to play the match. Rule XII specifies the conditions and procedures for rescheduling due to weather.
  • Host team furnishes new "USTA-approved" balls (must be stated on the can) and of the type appropriate for the surface being played on.
  • Host team furnishes light refreshments. Drinks not mandatory UNLESS host facility DOES NOT provide water courtside. If there are not clean courtside water containers host team should supply drinks.


A match consists of four courts of doubles. A win on one court earns one point. The maximum number of points that can be earned by a team in one match is four, the minimum zero.

  • FORFEIT: the giving up of a court (loss of one point) usually with advance notice.
  • DEFAULT: the loss of a court (loss of one point) because of tardiness, misconduct or violation of the rules.
  • RETIREMENT: the loss of a court (loss of one point) due to injury or emergency while the match is in progress.
  • If by mutual consent a court is not played no point is awarded.


In the 2024-2025 season all divisions play on Tuesday morning. Four courts of doubles are played -- each for one point. All players should be on the court ready to begin pre-match warm-up promptly at 9:30AM.

  • The captains or their designated representatives (who must be team members) will exchange line-ups no later than 9:30AM -- whether or not all players have arrived. First and last names must appear on the score sheets. Before line-up exchange clubs that have courts with different surfaces shall let the visiting team know which positions will be playing on which surfaces. If this information is not shared before line-up exchange each captain has the option of changing her line-up. As stated in Rule II if a team's line-up includes a player who has not been registered in the team roster prior to the start of the match that court will subsequently be defaulted.
  • If the host team's courts are not playable but there are playable courts at neighboring sites the home team may request that the visiting team play at one of those sites -- however the visiting team is not required to do so and can request a reschedule of some or all of the courts. (see Rule XII)
  • Substitutions are allowed after line-up exchange due to injury, illness or no-show of a player. The substitution is to be made in the position affected. Unless an "emergency" applies as defined below the substitution should be made by 9:45AM or a default will apply; if there is an emergency situation the substitution may be made until 10 AM.
  • A default will be in effect if a team is not on its designated court and ready to begin play at 9:45AM unless an emergency (see next paragraph) has occurred on the way to the match. The final grace period for such emergencies ends at 10:00AM. The default will apply to the court for which the late player is listed. The home team captain should report any such default to the coordinator.

Definition of "emergency": If someone runs into an unexpected verifiable public situation (major accident, road closed, traffic re-routed) and she communicates with her captain and the captain is able to communicate the situation to the other captain by 9:30AM and the late player is able to stay in communication as she drives and can be on the court by 10:00AM -- in that case the 10:00AM extension should apply. For any other circumstances 9:45AM remains the default time. When the emergency deadline is applicable the home team can either hold the visiting team to the 10:00AM deadline or can choose to play whenever they arrive. In either case when the visiting team informs the home team about the situation the home team captain must communicate clearly to the visiting team what the case will be.


Warm-up is not to be regarded as practice. Players are encouraged to arrive early to practice with their own team if they desire. As a courtesy the home team captain should try to ensure that courts are available by 9:00AM for the visiting team to practice. Once line-ups have been exchanged and opponents have met on their assigned courts the pre-match warm-up procedure is as follows:

  • The home team will "spin" and ask the visiting team to choose "up" or "down" (or equivalent); the winner can choose to 1) serve or 2) receive or 3) pick a side or 4) ask the opponents to choose. If the winner chooses a side the other team will choose to serve or receive. Players will then position themselves on the side of the court on which they will commence play as determined by the spin and will conduct a warm-up for a maximum of 10 minutes to include:
    • ground strokes
    • home team moves up for volleys and overheads
    • visiting team moves up for volleys and overheads
    • service practice

Courtesy dictates that each player should make every effort to hit her shots directly to her opponent and that she not practice her service return when her opponent is practicing her serve.

Every effort should be made to begin play by 9:45AM.

If a player arrives late for the warm-up a minimum 5-minute warm-up will be allowed.


A match consists of two out of three sets. CALTA is a three-set league and participants should be prepared to allow adequate time for a full three sets. Amendment to rule added in 2024-25 season as follows:

If a match is "split" after two sets and one of the four players requests a 10-point tiebreak then the 10-point tiebreak will be played (using the Coman format) instead of a full third set. (It should not be discussed prior to that point.)

The team that first wins 10 points by a margin of at least 2 points will win the match (and the set is scored as 1-0). Either player on the serving team may start service in a match tiebreak.

  • Cellular phones must be set to vibrate or silent before the start of a match. If a phone rings during play or at change-over and is distracting to the players on any court adjacent to the ringing phone a let can be called and the point replayed. At that time (after the end of a game) all players should ensure that their phones are silenced. This is considered a warning for all players on the courts affected. If any player's phone then rings a penalty of one point will be imposed. (For example if the score is 15-0 when a player's phone rings the score will become 15-15 or 30-0 -- depending on whose phone has rung). Server will announce the score audibly before each serve.
  • All line calls are to be made only by the participating players. If a player is not sure of a line call she should ask her partner first. Should she ask one of her opponents she must accept the opponent's reply.
  • Timing: 20 seconds allowed between points; 90 seconds allowed during change of side including after the first game of the set; 2-minute break allowed between first and second sets; 10 minutes allowed between second and third sets; no time allowed before or during a set tiebreak. (The set tiebreak is continuous play at the end of all sets reaching 6-6.)
  • Set tiebreak: Sets reaching 6-6 will be decided by a 7-point tiebreak -- using the Coman format. The team that first wins 7 points by a margin of two or more points shall win the set. The player whose turn it is to serve shall be the server for the first point which is delivered from the deuce court. Thereafter each player shall serve in rotation for 2 points (first from the ad court then from the deuce court) in the same serving order until the winners have been decided. Players change sides after first point and every 4 points thereafter and at the end of the tiebreak. The team that served first in the set that ended in a tiebreak shall receive service in the first game of the following set.
  • Coaching: Pros may not coach at any time during the match (but can be consulted about rules -- see below). Players may receive coaching from team-mates between the second and third sets.

Resolution of On-court Rule Disputes:

  • If during play a question arises that is not addressed in the CALTA Rules the matter should be settled according to USTA Rules governing play. A pro if present at the court can be consulted.
  • For issues that are addressed in the CALTA Rules if the players do not have a CALTA Rules document available on the court they should request guidance from a captain or her designated representative for the match -- or can request a copy of the rules from another player if readily available. (Any one player can make the request; it is not necessary that all four request guidance.)
  • If a captain or her designated representative becomes aware of a rules disagreement on one of her team's courts in the interest of expediting a resolution she can take the initiative to request the facts and assist the players in identifying the applicable rule.


A team receives one point for each court won. With four courts played the total number of points that can be awarded to a team ranges from minimum 0 to maximum 4. If two teams mutually agree not to play a court no point is awarded for that court.

Immediately after a match the host team captain will go into MatchTime and record the scores. MatchTime then sends an email to the opposing captain for review/confirmation. The home team captain is responsible for entering the scores in MatchTime. Once scores are in an email is sent to both teams’ captains and co-captains. The scores can be edited by either team for 48 hours. If either team captain edits the scores another email to captains and co-captains is automatically sent. No official confirmation needed if scores are fine as reported. This email after scores are submitted will be the only place full scores show for the purpose of both captains to agree. Points per line are what will show in MatchTime.


When a court is forfeited it must be in the fourth position. The team that forfeits should communicate the forfeit by telephone to the opposing team by 8:00AM the morning of the match unless there is a last-minute emergency. It is considered common courtesy to forfeit the night before if known but it is not required to forfeit before the morning of the match. If a team decides to communicate a forfeit early it may not be retracted. In the case of a "mutual forfeit" (i.e. both teams needing to forfeit one or more courts) it is permissible to reschedule those courts. If a match has not begun and is rescheduled due to weather conditions per Rule XII any forfeits that have been communicated are rendered null and void and the line-up can be redone with no forfeits.


After play has begun if a player cannot continue a match because of an injury or personal emergency a loss by "retirement" will result.


As noted above "host team" should be read to mean captain or co-captain or other team member designated by them. Matches are to be rescheduled only in the event of bad weather, when there is an unscheduled public school closing, or if previously unknown facility upgrades prevent the ability to provide the number of scheduled home courts.  If the local authorities close the public schools on a day that was originally scheduled to be open on the public school calendar (and that was a scheduled match day for CALTA) either team can request that some or all of the courts be rescheduled. Once the public schools have officially reopened all teams are subject to the regular CALTA Rules. 

See below for Temperature Rule. 

Once a match has been rescheduled and agreed upon by both teams it will be regarded as a regularly scheduled match and no further rescheduling may be done except for bad weather. The agreement of a date for a rescheduled match should be documented by an e-mail and copied to the division coordinator.

[The four courts of a rescheduled match may be played at separate times if both teams are agreeable. See below for Rescheduling Courts Separately.]

When weather conditions are such that court playability may be in question:

  • The host team should phone the visiting team (no later than 8:00am as specified in Rule IV) so that no one starts travel prematurely.
  • At tennis centers that have professional staff handling the courts the staff should make the decision on court playability.
  • If the home tennis center does not have staff available to communicate the condition of the courts a player on the home team should check the courts in person.
  • If the home team (or staff) thinks the courts will be playable shortly the host team should advise the visiting team to remain at home -- but be ready to go as soon as the courts are deemed playable.
  • If the courts are not playable by 8:45AM the match is to be rescheduled -- unless both teams agree to wait longer.
  • If the host team's courts are not playable but there are playable courts at a neighboring site the home team may request that the visiting team go to that site. However the visiting team is not required to play at an alternate site and can request a rescheduling.
  • If it is necessary to reschedule a match the next official make-up date available to both teams should be the first option. A team cannot refuse to play on an official make-up day on the CALTA schedule. If both teams agree the make-up can be scheduled for an earlier alternate date. The agreement of the date for the rescheduled match should be documented by an e-mail and copied to the division coordinator.
  • If line-ups have been exchanged but play has not begun on any of the four courts because of weather the entire line-up is rendered null and void and at the make-up new line-ups will be exchanged.
  • If play on a court has begun and is interrupted due to weather conditions that court will be continued with the same players where the match left off -- with a short warm-up if requested. If one of the players moves out of the Charleston area and is unable to continue the match at a future date the captains can request permission from the Board to restart the match from 0-0 with a replacement for the player who has moved away.
  • A match is deemed to have begun with the first serve.
  • If play on a court has not begun and is unable to start because of weather conditions substitutions can be made for any reason in the line-up for that court prior to the start of the rescheduled match. If one or more courts have been forfeited and if play has begun on all the other courts the forfeit(s) will stand. If play has not begun on all the other courts and weather intervenes to prevent the start of a court any forfeited court(s) can be rescheduled along with the court(s) on which play has not begun.
  • If both teams decide not to play or reschedule a court no points will be awarded to either team for that court.

Rescheduling Courts Separately:

If the captains decide to have the courts played separately either the courts can be scheduled by the captains or the names of the players can be communicated and the players themselves can reschedule. An email record of communications/decisions should be maintained until the court has been played. Once a court has been rescheduled no change can be made in the date/time -- except for bad weather. If names have been exchanged and a match date/time set and a player on one of the courts becomes unable to play another player not already in the line-up can be substituted on her court; the opposing team should be promptly informed of the change. When informed of a player change the other team can substitute on that same court another player not already in the line-up.

Temperature Rule:

In the event of a local forecast for very cold or very warm weather the following procedure should be followed:

  • Between 7:00AM-8:00AM on match day players should check the "accuweather.com" website hourly forecast for the location of the home court (link available at the bottom of the CALTA website home page). If the forecast for "RealFeel" at 10AM in the location of the home court is either below 40 degrees or 90 degrees or above either team may cancel some or all of the courts by 8:00AM and require a rescheduling on the next official make-up date available for both teams. If both teams agree that some of the courts will be played those courts will be played as scheduled.


Any player may file a grievance. She should send the information requested in the Grievance Filing to her coordinator within one week of the incident.


Poor conduct will not be tolerated. The Rules Committee may penalize an individual or a team for poor conduct. The Code as a handbook of etiquette and fair play should be understood and followed by every CALTA player.